Saturday, 25 September 2010


Headed into Canterbury town today for some shopping with my girls. Good day, started off with me and D heading up some stairs to meet B, all the while worrying that we were going to be raped. When we got to the top we remembered that it was the other stairs that were meant to be dodgy. Met B, went back down the stairs and met K at the train station. Cue waiting for the train. FOR HALF AN HOUR! (It was only meant to be five minutes, plus all the information boards were 'out-of-order' so we didn't know when the train was coming, if it was late or what platform we were meant to be on. Finally we resorted to asking someone.
  Once we were actually in Canterbury it was all good though, we mooched about the shops for a bit, went to Shake Shed for Cookie Dough (me), Party Rings (K) and Jaffa Cake (B) shakes (Shake Shed's last day today RIP) and mooched around some more. Then came the exciting bit:
   THE GHOSTBUSTER MARCHING BAND. Okay, let me explain, you know how every fairly large town has street performers, well apparently some local marching band had thought that a great way to promote their new album would be to dress up in Ghostbuster-esque full body suits and dance/play their music all the way through town. I don't know if they actually sold any albums, but I do know that we spent a good twenty minutes following them around =D
   Funnily enough, I didn't buy anything in Canterbury, but I did buy a watch and some pyjama bottoms from Peacocks once I got home. Hopefully now I'll stop being late to things, or else I won't have a good excuse anymore! Alright, I'm off to watch Merlin now, so I'll kinda-not-really-you-know-what-I-mean see you later!

Hope your having good weekends!
Lil' Miss Sunshine x

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Stop Asking Me Questions, I'm In Shock. Look, I Have A Blanket

As far as weekends go, this one's been pretty good. Yesterday me and two of my friendlings (S and D by the way) went into the town where D lives to check out the newly opened Primark, and other shops of course.
   Also, I got my ears pierced! Finally, so now in 6 weeks, after cleaning them every morningand night with salty water, I'll be able to wear earrings! Just one more way in which to spend my (not-so) hard earned cash in one way to think about it, but I prefer to think of it as one more way to accessorize an outfit!
   Unfortunately, Primark was mostly a bust, it always was a bit of a hit and miss store. At least now it's not so far to travel back home, the closest one we had before it opened was about 40 minutes away! I got some cute heart-print tights from New Look though for only £4, I've been wanting some ever since I saw some in a magazine. They were £8 from TopShop, so I thought I'd better wait for a cheaper version to come around, and they did!
   After shopping (and drinking a McVities Milk Chocolate HobNob milkshake from Shake Shed) S had to go to another friends birthday dinner, and me and D headed back to hers for a sleepover. Cue a couple hours of watching Merlin (never seen before, shall start watching now, was BRILLIANT!), Vexed (ditto) and a lovely breakfast of sausages, hash browns, toast and bacon. Scrummy =D
    Unfortunately, I have been thrown back into the "real" world of homework and deadlines (namely tomorrow) and so I must leave for the cold showers of Chemistry, French and Spanish (Year Ten's a bummer)
 SPOILERS ALERT: Random Rating Of The Day (Camp Rock 2): 3 stars, enjoyable storyline and song/dance routines, but didn't really have a big climax. Happy ending though, more satisfying that the first one, which is always good.

Title is from the first episode of Sherlock (another brilliant show from the BBC, I think)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

There's Something About The Sunshine Baby...

Seriously though, doesn't pretty much everybody feel better on a sunny day. You know, when you go to the window, open the curtains and see clear skies and sunshine? Or least answer me this, does anyone get that feeling on a horrible cloudy rainy day?
Maybe it's just me, but I think that cloudy days are like moody, tragic poem writing feelings and sunny days are like happy, skipping in the grass feelings (no offense to tragic poem writing people, without people like you we wouldn't have Romeo and Juliet). I'm personally a happy, mellow person (not me being fake, some of my friends have actually (hopefully jokingly) suggested I put drugs in my brownies, which is why I'm so relaxed all the time.(I don't, by the way)) Wow, brackets within brackets. That's deep.
Any way, back to the point, which was... I don't know. I better wrap this up before I start rambling (I tend to do that when I lose my train of thought, which happens often)

Keep shining, my friends (if anyone actually reads this)
Lil Miss Sunshine (that's me by the way) xx

PS Yeah, I know, the titles a rip off of that song in Disney's Starstruck movie. I'm also a huge cheesy Disney/Nickelodeon fan.