Sunday, 3 October 2010

Life's A Hunt

I watched 'The Time Travellers Wife' yesterday (which I'd recommend, along with the book, by the way) and I just flashed to the scene where Henry is talking the Claire's dad and he says 'Life's a hunt'. You may be wondering why I am bothering to bring this up, but, as happens often with me, everything is connected, but most people just on't understand why until after I explain it to them.
   So, here's the explanation: I've lost my glasses. I haven't the foggiest where they are except for the fact that they are somewhere in my house. So that narrows it down to 9/10 rooms (I couldn't tell whether the upstairs and downstairs halls where the stairs connect counted as 1 room or 2). Unfortunately, without my glasses I can't see anything clearly after about 2 metres in front of me. Seeing as my method of looking (or 'hunting', see the connection now?) is standing in the middle of the room, spinning around slowly and hoping to catch a glimpse of what I've lost, I'm not holding out much hope for finding them anytime soon.

It's been raining this weekend, as you all could probably tell. This has giving me ample time to catch up with all my Year 10 homework. Ha. Unfortunately I choose to instead 'waste' my time watching Nickelodeon
 and The Vampire Diaries, as well as reading wayyy to much magazines/manga. I've now probably read all my magazines at least three times over, and that's no small feat.

Just part of my collection, I'm a total magazine junkie, and spend most of the measly £5 I get a week on them.
I really should start adding more pictures to this, it'll make it more interesting, since I tend to ramble on a bit...

  Anyway, today is Sunday, and I've got a History test on Tuesday. Believe me, having a mad Irish-woman rant about children not doing their homework and being set an essay about 'Why Homework Is Important' was not fun the last time, and I really do not want a repeat. That woman scares the beejebus out of me when she gets angry.

Your friendly neighbourhood procrastinator,
Lil' Miss Sunshine x